Whew, how is it the 8th of July already? I swear, once the last embers from 4th of July fireworks flame out, summer just barrels down the tracks towards Labor Day.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been working with the ladies at Blogzilla Studio to give my little piece of the blogosphere a bit of a face lift. Going with clean, simple and streamlined. Tell me what you think!
So, back to the business at hand. I’m still working my way through the photographer interview questions courtesy of Courtney Slazinik of Click It Up a Notch.
A little context: I love photography. I love pictures. I love looking at them. I love being in them. I love taking them. However, with the way I’ve been treating my camera, you’d never know it. While I am an avid Instagrammer, I have been neglecting my DSLR. My camera body is pristine from lack of use. My Lightroom is laughably outdated. I need to make a change beyond toting my camera around with me like another member of the family. I need to examine what it is that I love about photography, how I got here and why I want to keep taking pictures. Some introspection was in order.
The photography blog, Click It Up a Notch, has a series of photographer interviews that I read voraciously. The more I read, the more my mind sparked and fired, ideas pinging around faster than I could grab them. If reading about other photographers created such a response, what would happen if I posed those same questions* to myself? Over the next few weeks, we’re going to find out.
If you could only use one lens for a year, which would you choose?
Gah! This is extremely tough. There are three lenses that I keep in rotation, but the one that I gravitate towards the most would be my Nikon 18-55mm f/3.5. This was one of the last lenses that I acquired and I have found it provides me with the greatest versatility. This little powerhouse enables me to shoot wide angle to standard snaps, as well as tight portraits all while provding that highly sought-after, creamy bokeh. The lens itself is super light, provides sharp focus and really is just the perfect lens to keep on the camera body for quick grab and go shooting. And no, Nikon didn’t pay me to say that!