I just put Mo down for the (first time) night. She’ll be in her room, in her crib talking to herself at least until 9pm. Around about 8:15, I’ll get a plaintive call, “Mommy, I have to go to the potty!” But, I digress. Before bed, we usually have a story and a prayer. She opted to forgo the story in order to watch the Backyardigans and then have me draw some princesses on her Doodle Pad. Hey, whatever floats your boat.
After I had exhausted my repertoire of princesses and their paraphernalia on that little 5 X 7 pad, I told her it was time for prayers. She put her little hands together and said,
and food, and forks, and knives,
and spoons, and napkins.
Thank you for the Swap Creature (the topic of today’s Backyardigans).
Thank you for Mommy, and Coever, and Daddy.
Protect my family, protect my friends.
Help me to not say Go Away! to my sister.
Amen. “
Amen, sister.