So, I don’t know what’s going on with my clothes and my closet lately. It’s like nothing I own matches, fits properly or is without washing machine pilling. I thought I was taking care of my clothes. I use Wool-lite and Downy Fabric Softener. I even hang my unmentionables on a drying rack inside the laundry room. Why do I always feel like I look like “Who did it and ran?”
Case in point: last Saturday, the Lovely Ladies of the Nu Chi Chapter of AKA at the College of William and Mary hosted an Alumni Tea. I went to support my sorors and really gave some thought about what it was that I wanted to wear. I knew that there would be photos taken at the tea — that’s what we do — and that I was going to go straight to the lab to study after the tea, so I was aiming for practical cuteness. The finished ensemble was a light blue tank under a navy blue long sleeve shirt, topped by a kelly green puffer vest. I had jeans, navy loafers with green and white trim and of course, my pearls. Sounds good, right? I thought so. I did the once over in the mirror; even the hair was cooperating. So why when I look at the photos do I think, What the hell happened between Norfolk and the ‘burg? How come I look like someone beat me up in the stairwell before even crossed the threshold to the tea? So frustrating– I think I should have left on the vest.
Now, I love the fall — I love the cool air, I love Halloween and Thanksgiving, I love cinnamon and nutmeg, pumpkins and of their pairings. I love sweaters and vests, boots and denim jackets. I love cowl neck sweaters and black tights under skirts,but every season, it’s like my closet has been eating itself and all of the sweaters and corduroys from last year have vanished, or worse! Sometimes I even find things that I have no clue who bought them or why. I mean, why do I have an XL red turtleneck sweater from Charter Club? Um, okay, I was packing pounds last fall, but I had just had C-dizzle. Still, that’s no excuse. What happened to my Merino V-Neck sweaters? Why do all of my jeans suddenly look like they’re all about to give up the ghost? Where are my calf high butter-cream boots? And why do my other pairs of boots look like they’ve been fighting with one another like Tyler Durden and his cronies? Why do my black, brown and greay sweaters looks like they’ve all got goosebumps, what with all those pills and pull? I feel like that guy at the end of the Three Amigos — “Wha’ de hayle ees happenin’ aroun’ here”?
I do take comfort in the fact that I’m not the only one with this issue. I’ve got a friend who, totally despite not needing them when she is at LEAST 5 months post partum, rocks her maternity jeans. If they were Seven For All Mankind or True Religion, well, I suppose I could understand, but they’re just regular ol’ maternity jeans. I was talking with another friend who likened her closet to the 5th dimension — clothes go in and all kinds of shit comes out. She didn’t elaborate, but I’d like to think she opens her closet and stuff like fashion trends from the 80’s (hello slouch socks and Z Cavaricci’s), a pot-bellied Vietnamese pig named Mr. Cobblepot, Jimmy Hoffa, and my pre-pregnancy body all come waltzing out.
*sigh* Since Halloween is all but here, at least I can put on what I got, no matter how pilled, pulled, faded or frump-tastic and call myself one of the Olsen Twins. I’ve already got a pair of oversized Jackie O glasses. Now, if I could just whittle myself down to about 80 pounds and get that flat, matted, ratty hair. . .