“My Grandmother is over eighty and still doesn’t need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle”. – Henny Youngman
Here’s the thing about this quote — > 1. It’s funny –> 2. It’s true —> 3. It’s totally where I’m headed.
Seriously, I’ve been up since 5:15 am, I’ve fed the baby, gone to Wal-Mart, gotten groceries, went to the storage locker, got the Christmas stuff, unloaded the groceries, changed diapers, changed the kids clothes, drew Cinderella, Jasmine, the Prince, Ariel, Sebastien, and Flounder for Morgan, ate breakfast at 11am, cleaned the apartment, put together a bag of stuff for Goodwill, sat on the phone for iTunes tech support, fed the baby, fed Morgan lunch, went to the bathroom (but haven’t showered or brushed my teeth), started prepping for dinner, looked for my camera which turned out to be in my parents car, and now I’m sitting down to write this because I’ve got to get it off my chest or I’m going to implode, which would be pretty interesting considering how much hair I’ve got tangled on the top of my head. Oh and did I mention that I had a slight hangover from the two margaritini’s that I had last night at Luna Maya (totally worth it).
There just isn’t enough of me to go around. There is the stuff that I want to get done, the stuff that I need to get done, and the stuff that will get done eventually. There are books that I want to read, websites I want to visit, exercise classes I want to take, stores I want to shop in, scrapbooks I want to finish, and naps that I long for. There aren’t enough hours in the day. I’ll confess it; sometimes I wish Craig would take the girls up to his parents house for a long, long, long week-end so I can get my stuff together. It might be a long time before they come home, but I think I’d manage.
Sometimes, I wish I could stop time like Hiro from “Heroes”. I would just sleep first, just sleep until I was so caught up, I couldn’t sleep any more. Then, I’d do the stuff I want to do and then take a nap. Then I’d do some more and take another nap. Do you see a pattern developing? I want to be able to make a cup of tea and drink it when it’s still hot, not when it’s mid-afternoon, so now instead of breakfast tea, it’s my iced tea.
*sigh* Of course, I do this to myself. Seriously, I like that my to-do list is so long because I feel like I’ve accomplished something by crossing stuff off. Twisted, I know. I read an article that that type of stress stresses you out more. Quelle Suprise!! I can’t seem to stop, though. The thought of putting off stuff makes me more wound up.
The two things that slow me down, though, are my best girls, Morgan and Coever (a.k.a Mo and Co). I have to slow down for them because I know I’ll turn around and they’ll be 18 and 16. Instead of stressing about early childhood development, I’ll be stressing about college visits, drivers license’s and prom. Suddenly, poopy diapers, potty training and drawing princess, after princess, after princess, after princess doesn’t seem so bad.