So I started this post last week. Seven days ago! And I had every intention of proofreading it, adding jazzy images, and doing all the little niceties that come with crafting a sweet blog post. Then life happened. Or rather, I got sucked down the rabbit hole of end of year activities that has me crashing into bed each evening chanting, “Just a few more days, just a few more days. . .”
What is happening? Seriously? The days piling up stacks of schoolwork excavated from the children’s desks. V’s 4th birthday has come and gone. Her last day of school was yesterday –eep! The Mother’s Day cards and graduation cards at Target have been swapped out for Father’s Day cards, 4th of July paraphernalia is cajoling customers to wrap themselves in red, white and blue.
It’s Friday again, a day of the week that I usually am happy to see, but it’s the last one of May of 2016 and I’m looking around like,”What is going on?”

Me looking at iCal
I can clearly remember setting up for Christmas. I was outside pounding pavement Christmas Day, starting my training for the Monument Avenue 10K that was months away in April. It was 70 degrees that day!
A few weeks later, we had Snowmageddon 2016. The snow fell fast and furiously, piling up like concert goers for port-a-potties. We had snow. We had the fireplace going. We had snow days that were kind of tolerable (and I will deny I said that if anyone ever calls me on it). We had a snippet of winter, which I won’t complain about, but we haven’t really had a spring. Last week, the weather was hovering in the 50s and I was still wearing a North Face jacket like it’s November.
Then, Mother Nature got her act together. She brought summer temps with a ferocity, jacking up the mercury to hover around 88 over the last few days. All of the short that I picked up at the end of February (proper prior planning) are finally being put to use. My winter body was hanging tough, but miraculously, this year’s booty fits into last years summer gear.
Last week, the girls came home with their yearbooks. Their YEARBOOKS! That meant there was only one more full week of school before the closing programs. You know closing program? When you get up and get dressed like a regular school day, drop them off at 8 for the final assembly that starts at 8:30, only to then pick them up at 8:54 and then they look at you like, “What’re we going to do now?”

What is happening?
A few week-ends ago, when the rain was so exhausted from falling for 40 days and nights that it took a day off, I cleaned the shed. I organized the pool toys and the beach toys. I inflated the tires in the bikes and detangled the jump ropes. I bent the hula hoops back into shape and I made sure all of the bubble wands had bubble juice in them. I pulled out the trunks for camp, started sorting all of the necessary items into hers and hers piles. The pool notices for Memorial Day kick off flooded my inbox and because I have a can do attitude, I put into effect an article I read about how to clean the grill by firing the burners on high, closing the lid and letting it melt off the gristly bits for 20 minutes. The house is still standing and I still have my eyebrows. Next time, I’d rather just get a new grill.
End of the year means my chits for the fall are being called. Things that I planned in the wintry doldrums are now popping up like, “Hey, girl! Time to execute this plan.” The calendar pages keep updating, despite my best intentions to stave them off. It’s like I’m standing on the shore, a tidal wave bearing down on me and I’m holding a paper parasol that would better suited pinning a maraschino cherry into a Mai Tai.
My poor little neglected blog! With the exception of V’s birthday shout out, I haven’t been doing much. It’s not that I haven’t been writing at all — I’ve been putting in work on my novel concept, aiming for at least 500 words a day. I’ve got 75 pages of somewhat coherent and connected thought. I was telling a friend that at this juncture, I’m just trying to get the ideas down as fast as they come. I’m beading a necklace, I told her, and sometime the beads look good together and sometimes they don’t. So, I pull some beads off, rearrange the patter, put some new beads on and keep stringing. I’m not quite Etsy shop ready, but there’s potential.
Today is the last full day of school for M & C. This week-end is Memorial Day, the official start of summer. Unsurprisingly, the calendar is freckled with activities that will carry us to the second week of August where the hub-bub drops off precipitously. My hope is that me and the warriors three will make the best use of that time. There will be cook-outs with ketchup stained paper plates and hikes over to the neighborhood ice creamery for dessert.
There will be sidewalk chalk race tracks and scooters zipping around the driveway.
There will be bubble juice and every conceivable contraption to make bubbles.
There will be sprinklers, slip-and-slides, and new bathing suits.
There will be trips to the pool and the playground.
There will be Popsicle stained mouths and dirt stained knees.
There will be bug bites and lightning bugs trapped in jelly jars.
There will trips to Alleghany, the Vineyard, to the grands.
There will be tank tops, flip-flops, and tan lines.
There will be sun soaked smiles. . .
There will be the last day of May, coming in hot, ushering in all of these summer plans, calling out, “Let’s get started. . .”
Yes, let’s get started.