I stay away from airing my political views on any form of social media. It’s a volatile subject and I know there are some whose views don’t align with my own. Still, when it comes to significant events in history, it doesn’t matter on which side of the aisle you find yourself. It’s important archive that experience for your own personal history.
This morning, I turned on the TV to have a bit of a distraction while I folded umpteen piles of laundry. I guess I had left the station on CNN, because that was broadcasting as I sorted and folded. I called the girls into the room as Wolf Blitzer announced the swearing in that was to take place in the blue room. I heard the President being announced and begin his recitation of the oath. When I looked up, this is what I saw.
We will all remember when President Obama was elected for his first term. Now my girls can remember where they were when he was sworn in for his second.