Mo’s favorite thing to ask, aside from “Can I watch a show?” is “What are we going to do after this?” Not one to content herself in the here in now, Mo-dizzle is forever making me think at least two steps ahead in order to sate her desire for something new and improved to do. Most times, especially during the semester, I could barely think about what I was supposed to be doing at that moment, let alone what I was going to be doing next.
Now that school is out (for me at least), I’m trying to remember what it was that Mo, Co and I did to fill out days during the summer months. The “what are we going to do next” refrain is set on repeat as I’m looking to fill the master calendar. Let me just say, I’m old school when it comes to scheduling and planning, meaning, I’m strictly pen and paper based planner. I tried the PDA thing, but too many folks kept yelling, “Get A ROOM!”. . .I mean, when I used a Personal Desk Assistant, generously bequeathed to me by BBC, no sooner than I uploaded all of my vitals did that craptastic thing crash. If I’m going to have a personal desk assistant, they need to be a carbon based life form who can also bring me a glass of water with lemon, some Simply Salted Popcorn, screen my calls and entertain the children so I can have a little privacy whilst in the bathroom, if you know what I mean. I mean, sure, who doesn’t like a little applause now and then, but I don’t need a full blown parade coming through every time I try to . . .never mind.
I try to get ahead on registering the girls for various activities, but most times, when I hear about something I think they’ll really like, the deadline has passed or they don’t meet the age requirement this year. Still, we’ve got one week of summer school on the list, one week of Vacation Bible School on the list, possibly some swim lessons, and of course, the ever popular playdate. This week, I’ve been busy scheduling playdates and activities, though Mother Nature seems hell bent on making moms all over town write rain checks with this crazy weather. I mean, how can you go from light spring rain to sunshine, to torrential downpour, to hail (yes, pellet size hail), to sunshine again — all within a 15 minute span? Couple that with this Swine Flu business — I mean H1N1 virus — the Celtics winning the NBA Playoffs, and a package of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups that I found in the bottom of my purse and DID NOT EAT?! Signs of the Apocalypse if you ask me.
Anywhoodle, I think I’m getting back into the swing of things. I’ve set up up trips to the zoo, the Children’s Museum, and the strawberry patch. I plan on having at least half a dozen mother/toddler pairings troop through the house for a visit on the days of the week ending in “Y”. The sand and water table is out in the yard, I’ve pulled out the sprinklers, I’ve even re-inflated the wading pool and thrown the Flavor-Ice in the freezer.
Bring it, you hazy summer days. We’re ready.