August 1st. We have crossed the threshold into the End of Summer. The daily routines are changing in small increments in preparation for going back to school. The majority of the sun and fun, the pool trips and water park adventures are behind us. Several among us have some “end of summer” trips planned, one last hurrah before it’s time to think of packing school lunches, signing permission slips, and being on time for carpool.
I’m looking forward to that routine, but that’s not to say I won’t miss the fun we’ve had. I was scrolling through my camera roll the other day, looking at a pictorial diary of our summer shenanigans. Lots of time outside, lots of Popsicle stained faces, lots of skinned knees. I moved over to my Instagram account and flipped through our May, June, and July activities, and several feeds belonging to my friends.
Can I just say that I love Instagram?
I’m a sucker for great photos. I find myself getting motivated and inspired by the variety of quotes and photos that I see. The folks I follow on IG never fail to pepper my feed with awesome. As I was scrolling through, I found a photo a friend posted of herself over Independence Day week-end.

@alisted002 via Instagram
She’s lovely, no doubt about that. I was struck at the simplicity and ease with how she was rocking those red lips. My brain started firing and in the space of a few second, my thought process unfolded like this.
Aww, Dena’s so stylish.
I like her red lipstick.
What a great idea for the 4th of July.
Hey, I have red lipstick.
I should go put it on.
It’s 7 o’clock at night, though.
I’ll put it on anyway.
Hmm, I remember when I bought this lipstick.
Maybe I should have gotten Ruby Woo or Red Russian.
I wonder if Dara ever bought her red lipstick.
I should ask her.
I should ask Tati what red she uses.
Probably Ruby Woo.
Maybe I should do a post about how to find the best red lipstick.
That’s been done to death.
Maybe I’ll do a photo post of famous red puckers.
I love that photo of Marilyn Monroe in the white dress and the red lips.
Red lips are glamorous.
I should try it more often.
Maybe I’ll do a red lip challenge.
Several weeks later, I’ve worked out the kinks. I’m ready to open it up to everyone who wants to have a little fun and look good doing it.
31 Days of Red Lips: A Red Lip Challenge
1. Take a photo of yourself wearing your red lipstick. Headshots are preferred. Duckface is acceptable!
2. Tell us what brand and the name of the shade you are using.
3. In a word or two, tell us how you feel when you wear red lipstick. Think of it this way, “I reach for my red lipstick when I want to be/feel/look . . . . ”
4. Share it on Instagram using this tag: #31daysofredlips
That’s it!
From today, August 1st, until August 31st, I’d love to get as many IG pics of red lips posted as possible. I plan on tagging all the beauty bloggers, fashionistas, style mavens, and trendsetters that I follow on social media in the hopes of getting them to participate. Can we flood the IG feeds with photos of red lips for a month? I have no idea, but I’m willing to try. Are you?
This is my red lip photo from last year for a different Instagram challenge. Don’t worry, I’ll do a new one just for this, but in the meantime, here’s an example to get you started.
Maybelline Red Revival with MAC Red Russian Lip Glass.
I reach for my red lipstick when I want to feel glamorous.
Puck up, buttercups!